STAND WITH HIM follows an invisible thread of faith, to truth – where hope resides.

The time has come to choose where you stand and who you will stand with in this war between good and evil.

Don’t fear the battles – embrace them!

Director’s Message

STAND WITH HIM is a story for those who hear the Shepherd’s voice. 

While too many are asleep in their own reflection, satan has come in to do whatever is pleasing around him. Right is made to look wrong – darkness parades as light and once virtuous acts are now made to seem weird.

The nuclear family is under attack, as parent’s God given rights to raise their children, are quickly being taken from them. Many wish to return to the ‘way things used to be.’ However if ‘those things’ were so great – the world would not be the dark place it is now.

We’ve been living with crimes against humanity and those responsible will be held accountable as people continue to wake up to truth.

Let us stand up together for the vulnerable, for our children’s future and for our freedoms – while we still can. We must not fear the battles, but embrace them. Only light can drive out darkness so shine wherever you are because you are the light of the world for Him.

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

2 Chronicles 7:14

Where To Watch

Calling all Truth Seekers to shine their light and keep this important conversation alive in their community.

You can host a screening of this documentary to inspire others.
For more information or to book the filmmakers contact:
[email protected]

STAND WITH HIM Video Study Series

We are living in a fallen world where truth is attacked and true colours are being revealed at every turn. You can say anything, do anything or be anything you want, but if you speak the name of Jesus Christ you are shunned. The time has come in this war between good and evil to choose where you stand and who you are standing with. Parents need to rise up and protect their God given right to parent their child as they see fit. The church needs to stand strong and not be lukewarm. So we ask – why did you shutter your doors and not feed your flock when they needed you most? This four part study series is based on the award-winning documentary STAND WITH HIM, which follows an invisible thread of faith to truth – where hope resides. Don’t fear the battles, embrace them.


‘STAND WITH HIM is a brilliant film full with hope for all mankind.’ – Laurie K. – Vancouver BC
‘Rise Up is the anthem for we the people! It’s our story to share with the world.’ – Armando Music – Toronto Ontario
‘There is still time to save our country and we must all stand together with truth.’ – Kari Simpson – Frontline Canada
‘A powerful project and if God is with us, who can be against us.’ – Rick Munn – TNT Host – Ireland