Everywhere you go heads are down with faces not engaged in one another which brings forth the question, ‘Where are we leading the next generation?’
Anxiety and narcissism are at the height of their existence, while Gen Z has never known life without iPhone in hand, internet, and social networks. The experiment with technology is happening right now and most of us – especially teens – do not even know they are in it.
selfless opens conversation to the ever growing epidemic with selfies, social media and technology and how it is affecting us body, mind, and soul.
This story pushes away doom and gloom offering a bright, beautiful film filled with messages of hope as we navigate this challenging time we live in.
Director’s Message
How wonderful you are here learning more about selfless.
I feel concern as a woman and a mom about what is happening in the world and how darkness is working so hard to put out the light.
Not knowing where to begin with this ever growing epidemic with selfies, social media and technology. I decided to push away the doom and gloom and create a project which offers hope, for people to navigate this challenging time we live in.
selfless has grown far past any expectations and is true testament to the power of the Holy Spirit moving the Human Spirit. My hope has always been for this film to inspire people to look up and be present in the moment because life is precious, don’t miss it.
This story was placed on my heart to find wings to fly and I am so pleased it has found its way to you. Please feel free to reach out and share how selfless has imprinted upon you.

Raising selfless Teens
selfless Video Study Series
Parenting is not for the faint hearted and today holds extra challenges with technology.
selfless director, Kim Laureen, leads you or your group with this four part video study series complete with discussion guide and prayer. Real conversation about how technology is affecting us body, mind and soul, asking ‘where are we leading the next generation?’
Growing selfless Tots
selfless Video Study Series
Parenting is not for the faint hearted and raising children in this age of technology brings with it many challenges. Gen-Z was the first to never have known life without iPhone in hand, internet, and social pages. Now we are experiencing a tsunami of anxiety and narcissism. We can’t be sure yet what the future holds for toddlers on screens – but it’s a scary thing. As people fall deeper into the meta-verse it becomes even more crucial for parents to hold on to interactions of the human kind with their children. This four part study series is based on the award-winning documentary selfless. Come along as we explore planting roots, how blue light is affecting the eyes, social media influencers and the value of Growing selfless Tots. Parents your children learn from you and look to you from their very beginning. Perhaps its time to ask yourself – what do they see?

Start the Conversation Early
Engage children during their formative years and inspire them to be selfless.
This picture book series ages 3 – 6 years – shares important messages offered in the film.
Included is a parent section with a note from the author and tips to ‘Consider Screen Time Wisely.’